Aarhus University Seal

Vladimir Matchkov


Professor, Ph.d, DMSc

Primary affiliation

Vladimir Matchkov

Areas of expertise

  • Neuroscience
  • Physiology
  • Biophysics
  • Biomedicine
  • pre-clinical research
  • Cardiovascular research

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


As a professor in the cardiovascular physiology, I combine teaching activities in a broad spectrum of medical physiology and research within microcirculatory abnormalities. Specifically, I am interested in control of cerebral microcirculation and its changes in various neurological disorders and metabolic comorbidities. I have a background within electrophysiology, ion transport biophysics, microcirculation and intracellular signaling.


I am conducting research on microcirculation, particularly brain microcirculation in health and its changes in neurological diseases, e.g., stroke, depression and familial migraine. My research contributes to better understanding how adjacent tissue ensures local blood supply sufficient for normal function and how this balance is disturbed in disease. My goal is to integrate genetics and molecular biology of disease with functional abnormalities to propose an efficient therapeutic strategy.

Job responsibilities

I am primary involved in research and supervision of bachelor, master, PhD students and postdocs in their cardiovascular research projects within a focus to comorbidities with neurological and metabolic abnormalities. As a university teacher, I am responsible for cardiovascular lectures, seminars and classroom teaching of medical students as well as handle their exams. I also lead the Department’s Phenotyping Core Facility that provides a broad range of phenotyping services and expertise. 

Selected publications

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