Aarhus University Seal

Mikkel Nørup Lund


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Mikkel Nørup Lund CV

Areas of expertise

  • Asteroseismology
  • Stellar characterization
  • Open clusters
  • Exoplanets

Contact information

Email address


My research focuses on studying oscillating stars using asteroseismology and involves the analysis of the Sun, stars hosting exoplanet systems, stars in open clusters and stellar binaries. I am heavily involved in preparing for the upcoming ESA PLATO mission and work actively on NASA missions like TESS and Kepler/K2, as well as the upcoming Roman mission. I am furthermore working actively to coordinate the scientific use of the SONG telescope network for ground-based asteroseismic studies. 


Teaching activities

Over the past year, I have taught part of the Master's course on Exoplanets and Asteroseismology and work here on equipping the students with both a high level of theoretical understanding of the subject and the ability to work with real data and analyses that relate to the active research at the University. Previously I have taught in master's courses on Formation and Evolution of the Milky Way, Advanced Stellar Evolution, and Projects in Astrophysics

Selected publications

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