Aarhus University Seal

Tenna Riis


Professor, Professor

Primary affiliation

Tenna Riis CV

Areas of expertise

  • Climate impact on Arctic streams
  • Linking land and aquatic ecosystems
  • Macrophyte and biofilm ecology

Contact information

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Email address


I am a freshwater ecologist specialized in stream ecosystem functioning and macrophyte ecology. My research group focuses on nutrient and carbon cycling in Arctic and temperate streams under global changes in climate and land use. In particular I am interested in understanding how global changes affect the structure and function of primary producers in streams i.e. macrophytes and autotrophic biofilm. We work in both Arctic and temperate agricultural streams and use both field observations and field and lab experiments to test our hypotheses.

In Arctic streams, we study the effect of a changing cryosphere on nutrient and carbon cycling in streams and quantify solute export from land via streams to coasts in relation to changing catchment characteristics. Specifically, we measure nutrient uptake, primary production, and organic matter decomposition in relation to climate change induced alterations in hydrological regimes and terrestrial vegetation cover.     

In agricultural streams we study the impacts of a warmer climate and degraded habitats on biodiversity and nutrient/carbon cycling, and how we best manage and restore stream and riparian areas to improve the ecosystems.

Selected publications

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