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Chavi Fletcher-Chen: Is Everything Negotiable?


Info about event


Thursday 26 October 2023,  at 14:00 - 15:00


Department of Biology, Ny munkegade 116, building 1531-119, aud. D2

We are honored to have Chavi Fletcher-Chen (IÉSEG School of Management, Lille, France) as guest during this year’s Bio-entrepreneurship course, and she agreed to give a presentation for the Department of Biology : “Is everything negotiable?”

Chavi (Chi-Yun) Chen is Assistant professor in International Negotiation and Sales. Her teaching and training covers Communication, Negotiation and Intercultural and Diversity Management while her research focuses on Business-to-Business management.

Negotiation is a key skill that is useful for work but really every other aspect of life as well. By strategically negotiating your interests to grant agencies, stakeholders in projects, collaborators and coworkers, you can successfully build relationships, manage teamwork and cross-cultural communication, and cope with disagreements.

The seminar is appropriate for PhD students, Postdocs, VIP and TAP. Not only will you gain profitable new insights, you will also have fun in doing so, as Chavi is a master of entertaining talks.

“Is Everything Negotiable?

Negotiation is a crucial aspect of professional and personal interactions. It plays a significant role in finding solutions to conflicts, achieving mutual objectives, and building relationships.

Effective negotiation entails a strategic approach that involves preparing, discussing, proposing, and finding a common ground that satisfies both parties' interests.

The ability to negotiate well requires the analytical skills to identify the types of negotiation and the traps of negotiation to know when to enter a negotiation and walk away without losing further. The purpose of learning negotiation is to achieve optimal results, build positive relationships with stakeholders, and lay the groundwork for future success.”


No sign up is needed, just join, learn and have fun.

On behalf of the Bio-entrepreneurship teaching team.

Franziska Eller, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Professor