Aarhus University Seal


Here you can find all contact information for the Centre for Ecological Genetics.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch with us please feel free to contact one of us.  

Trine Bilde 

Principal Investigator (PI)

Professor and Centre director at the Department of Biology - Genetics, Ecology & Evolution, Aarhus University

Philip Francis Thomsen


Associate Professor at the Department of Biology - Genetics, Ecology & Evolution, Aarhus University

Email pfthomsen@bio.au.dk
Telephone +4527142046

Marjo Saastamoinen


Associate professor at the Institute of Life Science, Helsinki University, Finland

Email marjo.saastamoinen@helsinki.fi
Telephone +358504484471, +358294157741

Greta Bocedi


Royal Society Research Fellow at The School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Email greta.bocedi@abdn.ac.uk
Telephone +44 (0)1224 272392

Virginia Settepani

Centre manager

Centre coordinator at the Department of Biology - Genetics, Ecology and Evolution

Email virginia.settepani@bio.au.dk
Telephone +4561666418