Aarhus Universitets segl

Publications & datasets

In the menu to the left you will find lists of CIFAR publications and datasets.

Below you can read about how to create publications in Pure and how to list your CIFAR-affiliation.

Publications and acknowledgements

PURE is AU's publication and activities registration system. It is obligatory to register publications as these provide the basis for key figures about AU and partly determine funding allocated to AU. Also, your staff homepage retrieves data from PURE, and therefore, you should continuously add new publications and relevant research activities to your PURE profile (the system allows you to hide publications which have not yet been accepted or published).

As a minimum, you should register:

  • Publications and activities
  • Research areas
  • CV

Useful links

E-mail to PURE support

Acknowledge for CIFAR publications

Once CIFAR has been added to your AU profile, CIFAR will by default appear in your PURE profile. As an CIFAR employee/affiliate, please include CIFAR as an affiliation on your CIFAR publications.

How to list your CIFAR affiliation

For every CIFAR  publication, please indicate your affiliation with CIFAR and include an acknowledgement to ASP as well as relevant funding agencies:

  1. Department of [eg. Biology], Aarhus University, CIFAR Research Centre, [local address], Denmark
  2. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF 185) to the Center for Ice-Free Arctic Research (CIFAR), Aarhus University. 'Text here for unique contributions from other sources such as AVJF, DFF, Carlsberg, Novo, Esa, ASP etc'.

If you don’t register publications in PURE yourself, please advise the person who does it for you.

Publications do not automatically appear on the CIFAR website, so please send information about your publications to Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen.

Remember to use the CIFAR logo on posters and other presentations. You can download the logo here.