Program for category B course in Lab Animal Science at Zoophysiology, Aarhus University
Day 1:
08.30 Introduction to the course in Lab Animal Science (TW)
09.00 Anaesthesia, analgesia, Human Endpoints & euthanasia (TW)
10.15 Tour in the animal facilities at zoophysiology (HM)
11.00 Animal care (food, enrichment, abiotic factors, etc.) (TW)
11.45 lunch
12.30 Legislation (TW)
13.30 Anaesthesia in fish, amphibians and reptiles (TW)
14.30-17.00 Practical exercise: Injection techniques, Anaesthesia of rodents with different anaesthetics and Introduction to suture techniques (CA, HM & RB)
Day 2:
08.15 Practical exercise: the sterile operation, suture techniques and anaesthesia of ectothermic vertebrates (CA, HM & RB)
11.30 lunch
12.30 Ethics, welfare, the 3R´s and alternatives to animal experiments (AKOA)
13.30 How to apply for permits to perform animal experiments (AKOA & TW)
14.00 Planning an animal experiment: Theoretical exercise where student (in groups of two) draft an application in the format of the Danish Animal Experimentation Inspectorate (Dyreforsøgstilsynet) (AKOA & TW)
17.00 Submit your applications to TW and AKOA the applications submitted on the previous day (AKOA & TW)
Day 3:
08.30 Discussion of the applications (AKOA & TW)
09.30 Breeding and purchasing of experimental animals (AKOA & TW)
10.30 Diseases and health monitoring in mammals and other animals (AKOA & TW)
11.30 lunch
12.30 Evolution of the brain and nocioceptors followed by group discussion on whether ectothermic animals feel pain (TW)