Aarhus University Seal

Sustainable Landscapes in a Changing World

SustainScapes is a research project with the aim to rethink the use of the Danish landscape by exploring nature-based solutions to maintain biodiversity and biobased production. The challenge is that land must be spared in order to increase biodiversity, which has been subject to a dramatic loss during recent years. At the same time, we need to account for climate change and assure sustainable agricultural production on less land.

In the project, the researchers ask: How much area, and which areas, should we allocate to biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration to halt the loss of biodiversity? Are we able to spare and share the areas needed for biodiversity, and still produce enough food, energy and fibres? How can we prioritize among actions of benefit for climate change, biodiversity, and the increasing global human resource use?

The research will contribute to an understanding of the impact of changes in the use of landscape consumption as well as climate changes on the biodiversity in Denmark in a historical perspective. Based on this new knowledge, the project will develop tools that can be used for predicting how and on which areas natural restoration, compared to landscape consumption, will have the largest impact on future biodiversity.

SustainScapes is supported by almost 60 mill. DKK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

We focus on six work packages to rethink the use of the Danish landscape and ensure the maintenance of biodiversity of bio-based production.


Signe Normand

Professor, Centre Director

Other projects in Nature protection and restoration