Aarhus University Seal

UAS4Ecology Lab


UAS4Ecology has several different sensors that can be combined with different drones. The different sensors collect different types of data. Which type of sensor is used for a task depends on which data is to be collected. On this page you can see which types of sensors the laboratory has at its disposal, as well as which tasks, they can solve.

MicaSense RedEdge-3

RedEdge-MX (Red and Blue)

  • Name: MicaSense RedEdge-MX Red and Blue
  • Type: 5 band multispectral cameras
  • The RedEdge-MX (Red and Blue) from MicaSense was a further development of the housing and integration option of the RedEdge-3 camera. The specifications of the five narrow spectral bands of the RedEdge-MX Red did not differ from those of the RedEdge-3 while the RedEdge-MX Blue does add a new blue, red, green and two near infrared bands. The RedEdge-3 and both MX cameras are no longer in production. Nevertheless, to our knowledge the combination of the two MX cameras (10 narrow  spectral bands) is still unique in its kind. We fly the RedEdge-MX dual camera system with our DJI Matrice 210 and each of the cameras (Blue and Red) separately with our eBee X (link to DJI Matrice 210 and SenseFly eBee X).
  • Link: https://support.micasense.com/hc/en-us/articles/235402807-Getting-Started-With-RedEdge-3-Legacy-



Example of scanning with Lidar

LiDAR point cloud from overflight of Mols Bjerge, DK The LiDAR point cloud is made with the sensor YellowScan mounted on a Mikrokopter MK8-3500 drone. The flights were made in National Park Mols Bjerge, DK in October 2017 and cover a varied mosaic of landscape types. Video from YouTube - UAS4Ecology Lab


Urs Treier

Lab Manager Department of Biology - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity