Aarhus University Seal

Insects in the Danish landscape


Insects are extremely important in both natural and many cultivated ecosystems. We are currently experiencing large population declines in insects due to anthropogenic causes, such as intensified land use, habitat loss and fragmentation, but we know very little about the implications for genetic diversity. Loss of genetic diversity increases risk of population extinction, and can reduce the diversity and crucial ecosystem services and functions that insects perform.

Centre for Ecological Genetics investigates the population genetic consequences of the dramatic declines observed in insect population sizes, how landscape structure and cultivation practices influences population genetics, and effects of genetic diversity for individual performance and ecosystem services, such as pollination and natural pest control.

ECOGENETICS conduct integrative and collaborative research with Helsinki and Aberdeen Universities. The center is supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation with a grant of 60 mio DKK.

Insects constitute a major component of our biodiversity, and they perform important ecosystem services in natural and agricultural habitats. ECOGENETICS investigates factors that shape population genetic diversity and its effect on performance at individual, population and species level.