Aarhus University Seal

Join our group

 - it will be fun!


Are you planning to do a BSc, MSc, or biological project at Aarhus University? Please have a look at our currently announced projects below, or get in touch with Wolf Eiserhardt (wolf.eiserhardt[at]bios.au.dk) to discuss other options. We are happy to help you develop your own ideas for a project, as long as they are broadly related to our research.

For examples of past projects, please see Alumni.

Projects announced at MSc level can usually be converted into BSc or biological projects.


If you are interested in doing a PhD in our group, please don't hesitate to get in touch!


If you are interested in doing a postdoc with us, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

We are also happy to chat to you about other options, such as applying for your own fellowship (e.g. a Marie Curie-Skłodowska fellowship). If you decide to apply for a fellowship to join us, we will actively support you as best as we can.