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**Ecological Novelty and Planetary Stewardship: Biodiversity Dynamics in a Transforming Biosphere**

The classic journal *Philosophical Transactions B* presents a groundbreaking theme issue, "Ecological Novelty and Planetary Stewardship: Biodiversity Dynamics in a Transforming Biosphere." As the world’s longest-running scientific journal, founded in 1665, it continues its tradition of excellence by addressing the critical challenges of our time.

Edited by Jens-Christian Svenning (Aarhus University), Melodie A. McGeoch (Monash University), Signe Normand (Aarhus University), Alejandro Ordonez (Aarhus University), and Felix Riede (Aarhus University), this issue explores the dynamics of biodiversity in an era of rapid environmental change and increasingly unprecedented conditions. 

This special issue is the outcome of the symposium held in 2022 at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), focusing on the following key subthemes:

1. **Functioning and Stewardship of Emerging Novel Ecosystems**: Investigating the dynamics of ecosystems under uncharted conditions and emphasizing the need for understanding these emerging ecosystems.

2. **Biodiversity Projections Under Global Change**: Predicting ecological shifts in the Anthropocene and highlighting the necessity of adaptive approaches to minimize negative impacts.

3. **Advancing Methods to Study Ecosystem Dynamics**: Developing new methods to study ecosystem dynamics under increasing biosphere novelty.

4. **Integrating Human Perspectives**: Emphasizing the importance of including human perspectives in understanding, forecasting, and managing novel ecosystems.

In their introductory article, "Navigating ecological novelty towards planetary stewardship: challenges and opportunities in biodiversity dynamics in a transforming biosphere," the editors provide a comprehensive overview of the issue's themes, outlining the pressing need for innovative strategies in biodiversity management. This article sets the stage for the in-depth discussions and research findings presented throughout the issue.

This issue provides critical insights for scientists, policymakers, environmental managers, and conservationists aiming to navigate and mitigate the complexities of our transforming biosphere.

For more information and to access the full issue, visit: royalsocietypublishing.org/toc/rstb/2024/379/1902). To read the introductory article, visit:
