Aarhus Universitets segl

Retrospekt 2021: Carlsberg Foundation makes portrait and podcast of Prof. Jens-Christian Svenning

As a new initiative, The Carlsberg Foundation will each year publish a platform featuring excellent scientists who have received their funding. Prof. Jens-Christian Svenning is one of them this year.

Carlsberg Foundation’s new platform not only gives you insight into groundbreaking science explained in words accessible to everyone. They also give an opportunity of getting to know the person behind the scientist.

Jens-Christian’s project “Megafauna ecosystem ecology from the deep prehistory to a human-dominated future” was funded in 2017 by the Carlsberg Foundation. In his portrait, Jens-Christian explains why big animals have such a big effect on ecosystems.


Jens-Christian’s platform is available in Danish here: https://retrospekt.carlsbergfondet.dk/jens-christian-svenning