Aarhus Universitets segl

Matthias Heymann



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Matthias Heymann




Matthias Heymann focuses on the history of environmental science and technology and published on the history of energy technologies, engineering design and atmospheric and climate sciences. He coordinates the Tensions of Europe Research Group Technologly, Environment and Resources and currently leads the networking project "Towards sustainability of global resources, fair trade and global justice? Experiences, challenges and narratives of transformation" (AUFF, 2024-2025) and the subproject "District heating for citizens" in the collaborative Nordforsk project "Energy Lives! Infrastructural Citizenship in Nordic Energy Transitions" (2024-2028). He lead the DFF Research Network "Challenging Europe: Technology, Environment and the Quest for Resource Security (EurReS)" (2018-2023), the international research project “Shaping Cultures of Prediction: Knowledge, Authority and the Construction of Climate Change” (DFF, 2013-2017) and the Danish-US research project “Exploring Greenland: Science and Technology in Cold War Settings” (2010-2013).

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