Aarhus Universitets segl

Dr. Grace Cott: Carbon sequestration and storage in Ireland's saltmarsh habitats

Seminar: Akvatisk biologi

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 7. november 2024,  kl. 09:30 - 10:30


Institut for Biologi, Ole Worms Allé 1, bygning 1135-234

Dr. Cott is coastal wetland ecologist. Her research focuses on examining the dynamics of coastal ‘blue carbon’, that is the carbon sequestered in vegetated coastal habitats, specifically tidal marshes, seagrass beds, and mangrove forests. Nitrogen plays a key role in regulating the global carbon cycle. She is interested in understanding the interaction between rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen availability in predicting these ecosystems’ potential for carbon storage. DR. Cott is leading the BLU-C project: “Investigating Ireland’s Blue Carbon Potential Through a Scientific, Socio-economic and Legislative Approach”  https://www.bluec.ie/